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姓名: 耿春梅

职称: 正高级工程师












2018 3-今,中国环境科学研究院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室,正高级工程师







国家大气污染防治攻关联合中心,“PM2.5O3复合污染成因来源与影响研究”项目课题:主持,大气臭氧对玉米和典型蔬菜产量影响研究 DQGG2021202),2021.04-2021.12180万元


国家大气污染防治攻关联合中心“O3PM2.5复合污染协同防控科技攻关预研项目”课题子课题:主持,O3污染对农作物影响初步研究, 2020.12-2021.3, 10万元

横向:主持,淄博市有机化工重点企业VOCs防治评估项目,2020.11-2021.12, 120万元

“大气污染成因与控制技术研究”重点专项“辽宁中部城市群大气污染联防联控技术集成与应用示范” 项目第3课题子课题:主持,区域环境空气PM10PM2.5来源解析及区域联防联控信息共享平台设计,2017.12-2020.12170万元

大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目(总理基金)京津冀及周边2+26城市来源解析研究子课题:主持,淄博市颗粒物来源解析, 2017.4-2019.1280万元

国家自然科学基金(青年):主持,大气中生物源VOCs 的二次有机气溶胶生成机理研究(40705043),2008.1-2010.1219.2万元











Ze Qin, Bo Xu, Zhensen Zheng, Liming Li, Guotao Zhang, Shijie Li, Chunmei Geng*, Zhipeng Bai, Wen Yang. Integrating ambient carbonyl compounds provides insight into the constrained ozone formation chemistry in Zibo city of the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 324: 121294.

Liming Li, Zhensen Zheng, Bo Xu, Xinhua Wang, Zhipeng Bai, Wen Yang, Chunmei Geng*, Kangwei Li*. Investigation of O3-precursor relationship nearby oil fields of Shandong, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2023, 294: 119471.

Menghui Li, Chunmei Geng*, Liming Li, Zhensen Zheng, Bo Xu, Wen Yang and Xinhua Wang*. Meteorological impacts on surface ozone: A case study based on KolmogorovZurbenko filtering and multiple linear regression. Frontier of Environmental Science,doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1081453

Chunmei Geng#, Shijie Li#, Baohui Yin, Chao Gu, Yingying Liu, Liming Li, Kangwei Li , Yujie Zhang , Merched Azzi, Hong Li, Xinhua Wang , Wen Yang,* and Zhipeng Bai. Atmospheric Carbonyl Compounds in the Central Taklimakan Desert in Summertime: Ambient Levels, Composition and Sources. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 761.

Nan Zhang#, Chunmei Geng#, Jia Xu Liwen Zhang, Penghui Li, Jinbao Han, Shuang Gao, Xinhua Wang , Wen Yang, Zhipeng Bai, Wenge Zhang and Bin Han, 2022. Characteristics, Source Contributions, and Source-Specific Health Risks of PM2.5-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Senior Citizens during the Heating Season in Tianjin, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19: 4440

Yingying Liu, Xueyan Zhao, Jing Wang, Shengnan Zhu, Bin Han , Di Zhao, Xinhua Wang and Chunmei Geng*. A Comprehensive 2018-Based Vehicle Emission Inventory and Its SpatialTemporal Characteristics in the Central Liaoning Urban Agglomeration, China. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, 2022, 19: 2033.

Kangwei Li, Xinhua Wang, Liming Li, Jian Wang, Yingying Liu, Xiang Cheng, Bo Xu, Xiuyan Wang, Peng Yan, Shijie Li, Chunmei Geng*, Wen Yang, Merched Azzi, Zhipeng Bai. Large variability of O3-precursor relationship during severe ozone polluted period in an industry-driven cluster city (Zibo) of North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 316: 128252.

Ruojie Zhao, Baohui Yin, Nan Zhang, Jing Wang, Chunmei Geng*, Xinhua Wang, Bin Han, Kangwei Li, Peng Li, Hao Yu, Wen Yang*, Zhipeng Bai. Aircraft-based observation of gaseous pollutants in the lower troposphere over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 773: 144818.

Qingyuan Guo, Liming Li, Xueyan Zhao, Baohui Yin, Yingying Liu, Xinhua Wang, Wen Yang, Chunmei Geng*, Zhipeng Bai. Source Apportionment and Health Risk Assessment of Metal Elements in PM2.5 in Central Liaoning’s Urban Agglomeration. Atmosphere, 2021, 12: 667.

Chunmei Geng , Jing Wang, Baohui Yin, Ruojie Zhao, Peng Li, Wen Yang, Zhimei Xiao, Shijie Li, Kangwei Li, Zhipeng Bai. Vertical distribution of volatile organic compounds conducted by tethered balloon in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020, 95: 121–129

Menghui Li, Liping Wu, Xiangyan Zhang, Xinwu Wang, Wenyu Bai, Jing Ming, Chunmei Geng*, Wen Yang*. Comparison of PM2.5 Chemical Compositions during Haze and Non-haze Days in a Heavy Industrial City in North China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2020, 20: 1950–1960.

Shasha Tian, Yingying Liu, Jing Wang, Jian Wang, Lujian Hou, Bo Lv, Xinhua Wang, Xueyan Zhao, Wen Yang, Chunmei Geng*, Bin Han* and Zhipeng Bai, Chemical Compositions and Source Analysis of PM2.5 during Autumn and Winter in a Heavily Polluted City in China. Atmosphere, 2020, 11(336): 1-19.

Na Wang, Xueyan Zhao, Jing Wang, Baohui Yin, Chunmei Geng*, Dawei Niu, Wen Yang, Hao Yu and Wei Li. Chemical Composition of PM2.5 and Its Impact on Inhalation Health Risk Evaluation in a City with Light Industry in Central China. Atmosphere, 2020, 11(340), 1-19.

Kangwei Li, Mingming Yan, Jiandong Shen, Xin Zhang , Chunmei Geng* , Wen Yang and Merched Azzi. Modelling the Optical Properties of Soot Particles under Various Aging Conditions. Atmosphere, 2020, 11(86): 1-14.

Hao Yu, Wen Yang, XinhuaWang, Baohui Yina, Xian Zhang, JingWang, Chao Gu, Jing Ming, Chunmei Geng, Zhipeng Bai. A seriously sand storm mixed air-polluted area in the "EN-US">Chunmei Geng, WenYang, Xuesong Sun, et al. Emission factors, ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation potential of volatile organic compounds emitted from industrial biomass boilers. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 83: 64-72.

Xiaoyang Yang, Chunmei Geng*, Xuesong Sun, et al. Characteristics of particulate-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emitted from industrial grade biomass boilers. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 40: 28–34.

Longyi Shao, Cong Hou, Chunmei Geng, et al. The oxidative potential of PM10 from coal, briquettes and wood charcoal burnt in an experimental domestic stove. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 127: 372–381.

Chunmei Geng *, Jianhua Chen, Xiaoyang Yang, et al., Emission factors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from domestic coal combustion in China, Journal of Environmental Sciences ,2014, 26(1): 160–166.

Penghui Li, Shaofei Kong, Chunmei Geng, et al. Health risk assessment for vehicle inspection workers exposed to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in their work place. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 2013, 15, 623-632.

PengHui Li, ShaoFei Kong, ChunMei Geng, et al. Assessing the Hazardous Risks of Vehicle Inspection Workers Exposure to Particulate Heavy Metals in Their Work Places. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 201313: 255-265.

Chunmei Geng*, Kun Wang, Wei Wang et al., Smog chamber study on the evolution of fume from residential coal combustion, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2012, 24(1): 169-176.

Kun Wang, Chunmie Geng, Wei Wang, Xiaoyu Liu, Hongjie Liu, Maofa Ge*, Characterization of residential coal combustion: products and in situ photo-oxidation, Heterogeneous Combustion, Nova Science Publishers, invited, ISBN: 978-1-61761-324-1 USA.

Qin Wang, Chunmei Geng, Sihua LU, Wentai Chen, Min Shao*, Emission factors of gaseous carbonaceous species from residential cmobustion of coal and crop residue brequettes, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2012, DOI 10.1007/s 11783-012-0428-5, 1-11.

Jianguo Deng, Jianhua, Chen*, Chunmei, Geng, et al. The Overall Reaction Process of Ozone with Methacrolein and Isoprene in the Condensed Phase. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116 (7):1710–1716.

Huang YZ, Sui LH, Wang W, Geng CM, Yin BH. Visible injury and nitrogen metabolism of rice leaves under ozone stress, and effect on sugar and protein contents in grain. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 62: 433-440.

Lei Tong, Xiaoke Wang, Chunmei Geng, et al., Diurnal and phenological variations of O3 and CO2 fluxes of rice canopy exposed to different O3 concentrations, Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45: 5621-5631.

秦涛,徐勃, 王信梧, 李丽明, 杨文, 王晓丽*,耿春梅*,淄博市夏季城区与背景点VOCs污染特征比较环境科学, 2022,433):1286-1295

秦涛,李丽明,王信梧,杨文,王晓丽,徐勃,耿春梅, 典型工业城市夏季VOCs污染特征及反应活性. 环境科学,2022, 43(08): 3934-3943


李世杰, 殷宝辉, 赵雪艳, 王静, 许海亚, 耿春梅*, 白志鹏. 家具板材排放VOCs成分谱及排放因子研究[J].环境科学研究, 2020, 33(4): 859-867

王娜,殷宝辉,王静,刘盈盈,李伟*,耿春梅*,白志鹏等.漯河市PM10PM2.5中水溶性离子浓度特征及其来源解析[]. 环境科学研究,2018,3112):2073-2082.

曹媛媛,郭婷,耿春梅*等,环境因素对气相甲苯光氧化反应机制的影响. 环境科学研究,201528( 4) : 653-659

耿春梅,陈建华,王歆华等. 生物质锅炉与燃煤锅炉颗粒物排放特征比较[J]. 环境科学研究,2013,266):666-671


耿春梅*, 杜莎莎, 殷宝辉等,异戊二烯与OH自由基光化学反应的二次有机气溶胶生成研究,中国科学(化学),2011 417):1206-1214


《大气臭氧污染对我国典型水稻和小麦影响的实验研究》. 中国环境出版社,2013. 第一著者.

《空气颗粒物测量技术》,化学工业出版社,2014. 第二著者.

《气溶胶测量原理、技术及应用》,化学工业出版社,2014. 112031章译者.




Journal of Environmental Sciences,《环境科学研究》、《环境工程技术学报》、《环境科学》、《环境工程学报》等学术期刊审稿人.



