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姓名: 任艳芹


研究方向: 大气环境化学

电话: 010-84912784

Email renyq@craes.org.cn



2004.9-2008.7   西北农林科技大学                   理学学士

2008.9-2011.7   中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所         理学硕士

2013.9-2017.1   中科院地球环境研究所               理学博士


2011.9-2013.8    中科院地球环境研究所            科研助理

2017.3-2019.9    中国环境科学研究院               博士后

2019.10至今     中国环境科学研究院              副研究员


主要研究领域: 有机气溶胶,挥发性有机物,颗粒物和臭氧污染来源解析


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,大气灰霾期硝基多环芳烃的粒径分布与生成机制研究(41907197),2020.1-2022.1225万元,项目负责人。

2. 中央级公益性科研院所基金,我国环境空气臭氧污染成因分析与来源解析关键技术方法研究(2019YSKY018),2019.12-2021.11108万元,项目负责人。

3. 国家重点实验室自由探索基金,我国典型城市PM2.5中多环芳烃污染状况与健康风险评价,2万元,2017.5-2017.12,项目负责人。

4. 横向项目,晋中市臭氧污染来源解析研究项目,99万元,2020.7-2020.12,技术骨干。


1. Ren Y., Wang G., Li H., Spatial and seasonal variations of primary and secondary organic aerosols at urban areas and continental background site of China: ambient levels, size distribution, and sources [J]. 2022, accept.

2. Bai X., Wei J., Ren Y.*, Gao R., Chai F., Li H., et al., Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during heating season in Beijing [J]. 2022, accept.

3. Ren Y., Wei J., Wu ZH., Ji Y., Bi F., Gao R., et al., Li H., Evolution of aerosol chemistry in Beijing under strong influence of anthropogenic pollutants: Composition, sources, and secondary formation of fine particulate nitrated aromatic compounds [J]. Environmental Research, 2022, 204, 111982.

4. Ren Y., Wei J., Wu ZH., Ji Y., Bi F., Gao R., et al., Chemical components and source identification of PM2.5 in non-heating season in Beijing: The influences of biomass burning and dust [J]. Atmospheric Research, 2021a, 251, 105412.

5. Ren Y., Wei J., Ji Y., Wu ZH., Bi F., Gao R., et al., Chemical composition of fine organic aerosols during a moderate pollution event in summertime in Beijing: Combined effect of primary emission and secondary formation [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2021b, 246, 118167.

6. Ren Y., Wang G., Tao J., Zhang Z., Wu C., Wang J., et al., Seasonal characteristics of biogenic secondary organic aerosols at Mt. Wuyi in Southeastern China: influence of anthropogenic pollutants [J]. Environmental pollution, 2019a, 252: 493-500.

7. Ren Y., Li H., Meng F., Wang G., Zhang H., Yang T., et al., Impact of emission controls on air quality in Beijing during the 2015 China Victory Day Parade: Implication from organic aerosols [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2019b, 198, 207-214.

8. Ren Y., Wang G., Li J., Wu C., Cao C., Wang J., et al., Evolution of aerosol chemistry in Xi'an during the spring dust storm periods: Implications for heterogeneous formation of secondary organic aerosols on the dust surface [J]. Chemosphere, 2019c, 215: 413-421.

9. Ren Y., Wang G., Li J., Wu C., Cao C., Wang J., et al., Seasonal variation and size distribution of biogenic secondary organic aerosols at urban and continental background sites of China [J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 71: 32-44.

10. Ren Y., Zhou B., Tao J., Cao J., Zhang Z., Wu C., et al., Composition and size distribution of airborne particulate PAHs and oxygenated PAHs in two Chinese megacities [J]. Atmospheric Research, 2017a, 183: 322-330.

11. Ren Y., Wang G., Wu C., Wang J., Li J., Zhang L., et al., Changes in concentration, composition and source contribution of atmospheric organic aerosols by shifting coal to natural gas in Urumqi [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2017b, 148: 306-315.

12. Luo M., Ji Y., Ren Y., Gao F., Zhang H., Zhang L., et al., Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of PM2.5-Bound PAHs during Heavy Air Pollution Episodes in Winter in Urban Area of Beijing, China [J]. Atmosphere, 2021, 12(3), 323.

13. Wu C., Wang G., Wang J., Li J., Ren Y., Zhang L., et al., Chemical characteristics of haze particles in Xi'an during Chinese Spring Festival: Impact of fireworks burning [J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 71: 179-187.

14. Li J., Wang G., Wu C., Cong C., Ren Y., Wang J., et al., Characterization of isoprene-derived secondary organic aerosols at a rural site in North China Plain with implications for anthropogenic pollution effects [J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 535-544.

15. Wang J., Wang G., Gao J., Wang H., Ren Y., Li, J., et al., Concentrations and stable carbon isotope compositions of oxalic acid and related SOA in Beijing before, during, and after the 2014 APEC [J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 17: 981–992.

16. Wang G., Zhang R., Mario E. Gomez, Yang L., Misti Levy Zamora, Hu M., Lin Y., Peng J., Guo S., Meng J., Li J., Cheng C., Hu T., Ren Y., et al., Persistent sulfate formation from London Fog to Chinese Haze [J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America, 2016, 113: 13630-13635.

17. Li J., Wang G., Ren Y., Wang J., Wu C., Han Y., et al., Identification of chemical compositions and sources of atmospheric aerosols in Xi'an, inland China during two types of haze events [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2016, 566: 230-237.

18. Wang G., Cheng C., Meng J., Huang Y., Li J., Ren Y., Field Observation on Secondary Organic Aerosols during Asian Dust Storm Periods: Formation Mechanism of Oxalic Acid and Related Compounds on Dust Surface [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 113: 169-176.

19. Wang G., Cheng C., Huang Y., Tao J., Ren Y., Wu F., et al., Evolution of aerosol chemistry in Xi'an, inland China, during the dust storm period of 2013 – Part 1: Sources, chemical forms and formation mechanisms of nitrate and sulfate [J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 14: 11571-11585.

20. Meng J., Wang G., Li J., Cheng C., Ren Y., Huang Y., et al., Seasonal characteristics of oxalic acid and related SOA in the free troposphere of Mt. Hua, central China: Implications for sources and formation mechanisms [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2014, 493: 1088-1097.

21. Wang G., Li J., Cheng C., Zhou B., Xie M., Hu S., Meng J., Sun T., Ren, Y., et al., Observation of atmospheric aerosols at Mt. Hua and Mt. Tai in central and east China during spring 2009 – Part 2: Impact of dust storm on organic aerosol composition and size distribution [J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 12: 4065-4080.

22. 鲍捷萌,曹娟,高锐,任艳芹,毕方,毋振海,柴发合,李红. 欧洲环境空气臭氧污染防治历程、经验及对我国的启示 [J]. 环境科学研究, 2021, 34(4) : 890-901.

23. 黄耀,王格慧,韩艳妮,成春雷,李建军,任艳芹,陈玉宝,王佳媛.沙尘暴期西安大气颗粒物化学组成及吸湿性能小时变化特征 [J]. 地球环境学报, 2015, (6): 44-53.

24. 程玉婷,王格慧,孙涛,成春雷,孟静静,任艳芹,李建军. 西安冬季非灰霾天与灰霾天PM2.5中水溶性有机氮污染特征比较 [J]. 环境科学, 2014, (35): 2468-2476.




1. 中国环境科学研究院“青年英才实施计划”(科技英才)。

2 荣获“第22届中国环境科学与技术大会暨中国环境科学学会大气环境分会2016年学术年会”优秀墙报奖。

3 获得第六届大气细及超细粒子研讨会暨PM2.5高级讲习班培训证书。