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2012.092018.06  北京师范大学水科学研究院         环境科学         工学博士

2006.092009.06  中国环境科学研究院     生态学     理学硕士

2002.092006.06  苏州科技大学         环境科学         理学学士


2020.12~至  今 中国环境科学研究院 正高级工程师

2015.122020.12  中国环境科学研究院 高级工程师

2009.082015.12  中国环境科学研究院 助理研究员

2013.102014.03  Cafoscari University of Venice   访问学者



1. 环境变化的水生态效应

2. 河流水生态保护

3. 生态毒理与水质基准







中国-欧盟可持续发展项目,松辽流域水环境质量改善的污染排放管理示范,2014 -2017,参加;





Juntao Fan, Shuping Wang, Hong Li, Zhenguang Yan*, Yizhang Zhang, Xin Zheng, Pengyuan Wang. Modeling the ecological status response of rivers to multiple stressors using machine learning: a comparison of environmental DNA metabarcoding and morphological data. Water Research, 2020, 183: 116004. (SCI/IF=11.236). 该文被英国兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University线上报道 https://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/id/eprint/145503/

Juntao Fan, Guoxian Huang, Minghui Chi, Yao Shi, Jinyuan Jiang, Chaoyang Feng, Zhenguang Yan, Zongxue Xu. Prediction of chemical reproductive toxicity to aquatic species using a machine learning model: An application in an ecological risk assessment of the Yangtze River, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 796: 148901. (SCI/IF= 7.963)

Mengdi Li, Juntao Fan*, Yuan Zhang, Lusan Liu, Rui Xia, Zongxue Xu, Fengchang Wu. A systematic approach for watershed ecological restoration strategy making: An application in the Taizi River Basin in northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 637-638: 1321-1332. (SCI/IF= 7.963)

Juntao Fan, Zhenguang Yan*, Xin Zheng, Jin Wu, Shuping Wang, Pengyuan Wang, Qiuying Zhang. Development of Interspecies Correlation Estimation (ICE) models to predict the reproduction toxicity of EDCs to aquatic species. Chemosphere, 2019, 224: 833-839. (SCI/IF= 7.086)

Juntao FanJunsheng Li*Rui XiaLile HuXiaopu WuGuo Li. Assessing the impact of climate change on habitat distribution of the giant panda in the Qinling Mountains of China. Ecological Modelling20142741):12-20. (SCI/IF= 2.974).  该文被Science杂志以题为 ScienceShot: Warming World Is Shrinking Panda Habitats在其线上报道:http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/02/scienceshot-warming-world-shrinking-panda-habitats

Juntao FanElena SemenzinElisa GiubilatoYuan Zhang*Andrea Critto*Alex ZabeoYun ZhouSen DingJun WanMengchang HeChunye Lin. Ecological status classification of the Taizi River Basin, China: A comparison of integrated risk assessment approaches. Environmental Science and Pollution Research20152219): 14738-14754. (SCI/IF= 4.223)

Juntao FanMengdi LiFen GuoZhenguagn YanXin Zheng, Yuan Zhang*, Zongxue Xu, Fengchang Wu. Priorization of River Restoration by Coupling Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) Models in the Taizi River Basin, Northern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15, 2090-2105. DOI:10.3390/ijerph15102090 (SCI/IF= 3.39)

 Shuping Wang, Zhenguang Yan, Pengyuan Wang, Xin Zheng*, Juntao Fan*. Comparative metagenomics reveals the microbial diversity and metabolic potentials in the sediments and surrounding seawaters of Qinguangdao mariculture area [J]. PLoS OneJune 4, 2020. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234128 (SCI/IF= 2.74)

Fan Juntao, Li Junsheng, Quan Zhanjun, et al. Impact of road construction on giant panda’s habitat and its carrying capacity in Qinling Mountains. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011, 31:145-149.

Yan ZG, Fan JT, Zheng X, Wang SP, Guo XS, Zhang TX, Yang SW*, Zhang YZ*. Neglect of Temperature and pH Impact Leads to Underestimation of Seasonal Ecological Risk of Ammonia in Chinese Surface Freshwaters. Journal of Chemitry, vol. 2019, Article ID 3051398, 7 pages, DOI: 10.1155/2019/3051398 (SCI/IF= 1.79)

Jiao Li, Juntao Fan, Jinyuan Jiang, Yuanzheng Zhai, Zhuoran Luo, Zhuo Zhang, Jin Wu. Human health risk assessment of soil in an abandoned arsenic plant site: implications for contaminated site remediation [J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78:673. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-019-8715-0 (SCI/IF= 2.18)

Zhenguang Yan, Xin Zheng*, Juntao Fan, Yizhang Zhang, Shuping Wang*, Tianxu Zhang, Qianhang Sun, Yi Huang. China national water quality criteria for the protection of freshwater life: Ammonia. Chemosphere, 2020, 126379. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126379 (SCI/IF= 5.778)

王艺霖,范俊韬*,王书平,黄国鲜,闫振广. 机器学习预测内分泌干扰物水生生物毒性效应. 生态毒理学报. 2022, 17(2): 148-163.

李梦娣,范俊韬*,孔维静,张远,迟明慧. 河流山区段水生态安全评估-以太子河为例. 应用生态学报. 2018, 29(8): 2685-2694.

范俊韬,李俊生*,罗建武,胡理乐,肖能文,全占军. 我国环境污染与经济发展空间格局分析. 环境科学研究, 2009, 22(6):742-746.

范俊韬,李俊生*,全占军,罗建武,胡理乐,肖能文,吴晓莆. 洋太公路对秦岭大熊猫栖息地景观格局的影响. 生态学杂志, 2009, 28(10): 2082-2087.


《氨氮水生态环境基准制定与案例分析》. 化学工业出版社,  2020. 参编.

《陆地生态系统生物多样性评价技术研究》. 中国环境出版社,  2012. 参编.


1.  李丽娟. 生态学硕士(2014-2017年).论文题目:太子河河岸带土地利用类型对水生生物群落结构的影响(联合培养).

2.  韩洁. 生态学硕士(2015-2018年).论文题目:太子河本溪段鱼类功能群的季节性差异研究(联合培养).




Journal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total EnvironmentEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research、《湖泊科学》等期刊审稿人.


2021. 辽宁省林业科学技术奖一等奖: 气候变化背景下北方山区段河库生态安全诊断-修复-响应技术研究.

2020. 中国环境诱变剂学会三致专委会会议杰出青年奖.

2020. 中国环境科学研究院优秀论文.

2019. 中国环境科学研究院青年英才计划.



国家生态环境基准:环基2020-2-《淡水水生生物水质基准-氨氮》(2020年版)(公告2020年第24号,生态环境部发布). 编制组成员


1. 发明专利: 沉积物中DNA的预处理方法,专利号:ZL 2018 1 1160620.6,第一完成人

2. 发明专利: 一种河流底泥采样装置,专利号:ZL 2018 1 1160560.8,第一完成人

3. 发明专利: 一种用于直观快速的河流健康生物指示方法中的捕鱼器,专利号:ZL 2015 1 0350468.8,第一完成人

4. 实用新型专利: 一种鱼类生理参数自动记录装置,专利号:ZL 2016 2 0241297.5,第一完成人


水生态监测人工智能系统-藻类自动识别软件 V1.02020年,登记号:2020SR1871822.
