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康玉麟 | 研究室主任

康玉麟 副研究员



2009-2013 北京大学医学部 本科

2013-2019 北京大学工学院 博士研究生


202010月至今 中国环境科学研究院


技术-经济-环境多目标决策框架与功能模块研发 200 202311-202711月 国家重点研发计划子课题 主持

水环境、污染源数据库建设 45 20224-20243月 黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展联合研究子任务 主持

基于生物特征分子示踪的水体污染物溯源技术 10 202211-202310月 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费 主持

基于DNA标识序列的污染物溯源技术     3 20221-202312   国家重点实验室    生物电子学国家重点实验室开放课题重点项目       主持

餐饮业碳源调研与生态足迹分析       10      20226-20229     深圳市一个地球基金会       深圳市一个地球基金会       主持

全国土壤污染状况调查数据统计分析 20 2023年 生态环境部预算项目 主持

土壤生态环境保护监督管理 25 2023年 生态环境部预算项目 主持

山东省生态文明示范建设管理系统项目 54.5万 山东省生态环境厅横向项目 主持



Shiyun Zhou, Wei Wang*, Long Zhu, Qi Qiao, Yulin Kang*, (2024)Deep-learning architecture for PM2.5 concentration prediction: A review,Environmental Science and Ecotechnology,21,100400 (Correponding Author)

Xu, H., Kang, Y.#*, Liang, T. et al. (2024)SNP-based and haplotype-based genome-wide association on drug dependence in Han Chinese. BMC Genomics 25, 255. (Correponding Author)

Ma, M., Wu, Z., An, L., Xu, Q., Wang, H., Zhang, Y., & Kang, Y.* (2023). Microplastics transferring from abiotic to biotic in aquatic ecosystem: A mini review. Science of The Total Environment, 164686. (Correponding Author)

Lu, S., Zhou, Y., Hu, Y., Wang, J., Li, H., Lin, Y., ...Kang Y*,Chen Bo* , Li, W.* (2023). Metatranscriptomic analysis revealed Prevotella as a potential biomarker of oropharyngeal microbiomes in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 13, 611.  (Correponding Author)

Yuan X#, Li X,# Kang Y#, et al. Gut mycobiota dysbiosis in drug-naïve, first-episode schizophrenia[J]. Schizophrenia Research, 2022, 250: 76-86. (Co-First Author)

Kang Y#, Zhai X#, Lu S#, Vuletic I, Wang L, Zhou K, Peng Z, Ren Q and Xie Z (2022) A Hybrid Imaging Platform(CT/PET/FMI) for Evaluating Tumor Necrosis and Apoptosis in Real-Time. Front. Oncol. 12:772392. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.772392  

Wang, W., Lu, S., Tang, H., Wang, B., Sun, C., Zheng, P., ... & Kang, Y.* (2022). A Scoping Review of Drug Epidemic Models. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2017. (Corresponding Author)

Lu, S., Li, N., Peng, Z., Lu, Z., Tu, X., Zhang, W., & Kang, Y.* (2022). Fc fragment of immunoglobulin G receptor IIa (FCGR2A) as a new potential prognostic biomarker of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Chinese Medical Journal, 135(04), 482-484. (Corresponding Author)

Rong Zhang; Sifen Lu; Xudan Yang; Maojun Li; Hui Jia; Jing Liao; Qing Jing; Yanmei Wu; Haichuan Wang; Feng Xiao; Xiaohong Bai; Xiaoxue Na; Yulin Kang*; Ling Wan*; Jiyun Yang* ; (2021). miR-19a-3p downregulates tissue factor and functions as a potential therapeutic target for sepsis-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation. Biochemical Pharmacology, 192, 114671. (Corresponding Author)

Kang Y, Wan C, Lu S, et al. (2020) A new metagenome binning method based on gene uniqueness[J]. Genes & Genomics, 42(8): 883-892. 

Li, X.#, Yuan, X.#, Kang, Y.#, Pang, L., Liu, Y., Zhu, Q., ... & Song, X. (2020). A synergistic effect between family intervention and rTMS improves cognitive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 126, 81-91. (Co-First Author)



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