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Basic Information

NameGUO Fei

Academic TitleResearcher Associate

Research FieldsEnvironmental Risk Assessment and Pollution Control Engineering



Personal Curriculum Vitae


Undergraduate       Tsinghua University   Department of Environment Science and Engineering   Environmental Engineering   


Master degree candidate   Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences   Ecological Institute     Ecology   


Doctoral candidate   University of Science and Technology of China   School of Chemistry and Materials Science    Environmental Engineering


Major Work Experience

2017.1~now       Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences         Researcher Associate

2011.12~2016.12   Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences            Researcher Assistant  

2009.7~2011.11    Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences            Assistant Engineer

Scientific Research

Representative research projects

1. Mechanism of synergistic management of acid mine wastewater and red mud in Southwest China, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences Innovative Groups Project2021-JY-02, 400,000 yuan.

2. Integration of risk management techniques for watershed water environments, Ministry of Science and Technology   Water Pollution Control and Management Science and Technology Major Program2017ZX07301005, 14,572,400 yuan. 2017.1~2020.6Subject Technical Leader.

3. Studies on the stabilization of natural organic matter by clay minerals in lake sediments, National Natural Science Foundation of China   Youth Science Fund Program41703123, 220,000 yuan. 2018.01~2020.12, Subject Technical Leader.

4. National Baseline Management Freshwater Aquatic Life Water Quality Benchmarks - Hexavalent Chromium, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China   Specialized environmental protection policies, regulations, plans and standardsJZ(2020)-03-01, 400,000 yuan. 2020.1~2020.12Subject Technical Leader.

5. Synthesis and Integration of Water Ecological Risk Assessment Techniques in Watersheds, Ministry of Science and Technology Water Pollution Control and Management Science and Technology Major Program2012ZX07503003-003, $7,334,600,000.  2012.01-2016.12Sub-topic Leader.

6. Study on the System of Applicable Standards for Appraisal of Damage Caused by Water Environmental Emergencies, Ministry of Environmental Protection   Environmental Public Welfare Program2013A136, 970,000 yuan. 2013. 1-2015.12, Sub-topic Leader.

Supervision of Graduate Students' Representative Theses

1.Chen, J. L., Guo, F. *, Wu, F. C., Bryan B A., Costs and benefits of constructed wetlands for meeting new water quality       standards from China’s wastewater treatment plants. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2023,199.

2.Guo, X., Guo, F. *, Chen, J. L., XU, C. B., WU, F. C., Bryan B A., Optimal pathways for upgrading China’s wastewater       treatment plants for achieving water quality standards at least economic and environmental cost. Journal of Environmental Management 2023, 344.

3.Chai, Y. Z., Guo, F. *. Potentially Toxic Element Contamination in Soils Affected by the Antimony Mine Spill in Northwest China. Toxics 2023, 11, 359.

4.Liu, A., Bai, Y. C., Wang, C., Lin, X. L., Guo, F. *. Study on the removal of iron (II) and manganese (II) in acidic mine drainage by red mud: Performance and mechanism. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023, 30,117970-117980.

5.Zhu, Y. T., Chai, Y. Z., Xu, C. B., Guo, F. *. Status, sources, and human health risk assessment of DDT pesticide residues in river sediments in a highly developed agricultural region in the upper Yangtze River in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023, 30,71120-71130.

6.Li, S. J., Xu, C. B., Qin, S., Guo, X., Bai, Y. C. and Guo, F.* (2022). "Molecular characteristics of biochar-derived organic matter sub-fractions extracted by ultrasonication." Science of The Total Environment 806: 150190.

7.Qin, S.; Xu, C.; Xu, Y; Bai, Y & Guo, F*. Molecular Signatures of Humic Acids from Different Sources as Revealed by Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chemistry 2020, 7171582.

8.Qin, S.; Xu, C.; Guo, F. *; Qi, J.; Xu, L.; Xu, Y.; Song, F.; Bai, Y., Molecular Signatures of Three Fulvic Acid Standard Samples as Revealed by Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. Chemistry Select 2019, 4, (47), 13940-13946.

9.Xu, L., Guo, F.*, Wang, G., Giesy, J. P., Bai, Y., Wang, X., & Song, F. (2019). Correlations between slow pyrolysis characteristics and organic carbon structure of aquatic plant biomass. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12.

Representative papers

10. Guo, F., Qin, S., Xu L., Bai, Y. C.*, Xing B.S., Thermal degradation features of soil humic acid sub-fractions in pyrolytic treatment and their relation to molecular signatures. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 749: 142318.

11. Guo, F., Wu, F. C., Yu, F., Bai, Y. C. *, Fu, Z. Y., Zhu, Y. R., & Guo, W. J. (2019). Fate and removal of antimony in response to stringent control activities after a mine tailing spill. Science of the Total Environment, 693 (12): 133604.

12. Guo, F., Wu, F.*, Mu, Y., Hu, Y., Zhao, X., Meng, W., Giesy J. & Lin, Y. (2016). Characterization of organic matter of plants from lakes by thermal analysis in a N2 atmosphere. Scientific reports, 6, 22877.

13. Guo, F., Mu, Y., Chen, C., Liao, H., & Bai, Y. * (2016). Thermal and spectral characterization of anaerobic thermal behavior patterns in a lacustrine sediment core. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(19), 19949-19957.

14. Song, F., Wu, F. *, Guo, F., Wang, H., Feng, W., Zhou, M., Deng Y., Bai Y., Xing B. & Giesy, J. P. (2017). Interactions between stepwise-eluted sub-fractions of fulvic acids and protons revealed by fluorescence titration combined with EEM-PARAFAC. Science of the Total Environment, 605, 58-65.

Major technical performance contributions

Teaching Work

Academic Lectures

1. Water quality benchmarks for pentavalent antimony in freshwater aquatic organisms and their application to the disposal of environmental emergencies

2. Structure and stability of humic acid subfractions

3. Relationship between thermal stability and molecular structure of natural organic matter

Honor Awards

1. Theory, Technology and Application of Heavy Metal Risk Assessment in Water Environment, Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award, First Prize, Ministry of Environmental Protection. 2016.12.

2. Cultivation Program for Young Talents" by China Academy of Environmental Sciences (CAES). 2020.1~2022.12.

3. Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences   Top Ten Outstanding Young People 2019.








本科        清华大学 环境科学与工程系  环境工程  


硕士研究生 中国环境科学研究院  生态所 生态学   


博士研究生 中国科学技术大学  材料与化学学院 环境工程



2017.1~至今     中国环境科学研究院        副研究员

2011.12~2016.12  中国环境科学研究院      助理研究员        

2009.7~2011.11   中国环境科学研究院      助理工程师



1. 西南地区酸性矿山废水与赤泥协同治理机制,中国环境科学研究院 创新群体项目(2021-JY-02),40万元。


2. 流域水环境风险管理技术集成,科学技术部 水污染控制与治理科技重大专项( 2017ZX07301005  ),1457.24万元。2017.1~2020.6,课题技术负责人。

3. 湖泊沉积物中粘土矿物对天然有机质稳定化作用研究,   国家自然科学基金委 青年科学基金项目(41703123),22万元。2018.01~2020.12,项目负责人。

4. 国家基准管理 淡水水生生物水质基准-六价铬, 生态环境部 环境保护政策、法规、规划及标准专项(JZ(2020)-03-01),40万元。2020.1~2020.12,课题负责人。

5. 流域水生态风险评估技术综合集成,科学技术部 水污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07503003-003),733.46万元。     2012.01-2016.12,子课题负责人。

6. 突发水环境事件损害鉴定适用标准体系研究,环境保护部 环保公益性项目(2013A136),97万元。2013. 1-2015.12,子课题负责人。


Li, S. J., Xu, C. B., Qin, S., Guo, X., Bai, Y. C. and Guo, F.* (2022). "Molecular characteristics of biochar-derived organic matter sub-fractions extracted by ultrasonication." Science of The Total Environment 806: 150190.

Qin, S.; Xu, C.; Xu, Y; Bai, Y & Guo, F*. Molecular Signatures of Humic Acids from Different Sources as Revealed by Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chemistry 2020, 7171582

Qin, S.; Xu, C.; Guo, F. *; Qi, J.; Xu, L.; Xu, Y.; Song, F.; Bai, Y., Molecular Signatures of Three Fulvic Acid Standard Samples as Revealed by Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. ChemistrySelect 2019, 4, (47), 13940-13946.

Xu, L., Guo, F.*, Wang, G., Giesy, J. P., Bai, Y., Wang, X., & Song, F. (2019). Correlations between slow pyrolysis characteristics and organic carbon structure of aquatic plant biomass. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12.


Guo, F., Qin, S., Xu L., Bai, Y. C.*, Xing B.S., Thermal degradation features of soil humic acid sub-fractions in pyrolytic treatment and their relation to molecular signatures. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 749: 142318

Guo, F., Wu, F. C., Yu, F., Bai, Y. C. *, Fu, Z. Y., Zhu, Y. R., & Guo, W. J. (2019). Fate and removal of antimony in response to stringent control activities after a mine tailing spill. Science of the Total Environment, 693 (12): 133604.

Guo, F., Wu, F.*, Mu, Y., Hu, Y., Zhao, X., Meng, W., Giesy J. & Lin, Y. (2016). Characterization of organic matter of plants from lakes by thermal analysis in a N2 atmosphere. Scientific reports, 6, 22877.

Guo, F., Mu, Y., Chen, C., Liao, H., & Bai, Y. * (2016). Thermal and spectral characterization of anaerobic thermal behavior patterns in a lacustrine sediment core. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(19), 19949-19957.

Song, F., Wu, F. *, Guo, F., Wang, H., Feng, W., Zhou, M., Deng Y., Bai Y., Xing B. & Giesy, J. P. (2017). Interactions between stepwise-eluted sub-fractions of fulvic acids and protons revealed by fluorescence titration combined with EEM-PARAFAC. Science of the Total Environment, 605, 58-65.




1. 淡水水生生物五价锑水质基准及其在突发环境事故处置中的应用

2. 腐殖酸亚组分结构与稳定性

3. 天然有机质热稳定性与分子结构的关系



1. 水体环境重金属风险评估理论、技术与应用,环境保护科学技术奖,一等奖,环境保护部。2016.12

2. 中国环境科学研究院“青年英才培育计划” 科技英才。2020.1~2022.12

3. 中国环境科学研究院 2019年度十大杰出青年。
